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Your company's real-time performance data.
An easy way to keep ahead of your main KPIs just with a few clicks.
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A real-time snapshot of the company's health
As a high-level executive, you need to stay on top of opportunities and changes and we know it's tough when you don't know what's really going on behind the scenes.

An executive reporting dashboard tracks the most important KPIs from various departments of a business, it's designed to provide real-time snapshot of the company's performance and progress toward strategic goals.

It serves as a powerful tool to lead effectively by providing the starting point for conversations and an easy way to understand the present, past and project the future, making strategic decisions, optimizing operations and driving the company's success.
C-level dashboard examples
Check out our dashboard examples
Imagen 1
General overview
Display the most crucial KPIs that directly align with the company's strategic objectives
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Work in progress
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Work in progress
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Work in progress
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Metrics and kpi examples
Learn about and use our pre-built metrics to monitor your business data.
High-Level KPIs
Display the most crucial KPIs that directly align with the company's strategic objectives. These might include revenue, profitability, customer acquisition, customer satisfaction, and market share.
Comparative Data
Provide data for the current period alongside historical data or benchmarks for comparison, helping to identify trends and deviations.
Performance Trends
Show trends over time to highlight whether KPIs are improving or declining, make informed decisions.
Operational Insights
Include operational metrics that impact the bottom line, such as production output, inventory levels, and employee productivity.
Risk Indicators
Highlight potential risks or issues that could impact the organization's performance, allowing to take proactive measures.
Goal Progress
Display progress toward key strategic goals and objectives, helping track the company's advancement.
Alerts and Notifications
Include alerts for critical thresholds or deviations from targets, allowing to address issues promptly.
Drill-Down Capability
Provide the option to drill down into specific data points for deeper analysis, allowing to investigate underlying factors.
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